Zootown Kids
First Time Check-in
Please arrive early if it is your first time checking in your child at Zootown Kids!
Our Check-In team is ready to take your contact information and any information you can provide us ensure your child has a positive experience at Zootown Kids.
Our classrooms are designed to meet the needs of children from ages 0 through 5th grade.
Each of our classrooms will include a developmentally appropriate Bible lesson and activity, as well as love, fun, and snacks!
Your child’s safety is our top priority. We have considered heavily the safety of our children when it comes to everything we do. We want to eliminate all distractions so your child can experience fun while learning, and you can enjoy worship and the message without care.
A few easy ways we have accomplished this is locking the entry door during services, providing a security team member specifically for Zootown Kids, and by only letting authorized, background checked individuals into our Kids space.
Another way we keep your child safe is with nametags. Each name tag printed provides a unique, one-time code to help us match us parents and children. We are also quickly able to connect with you via text if you are needed back in the kids area during service.