Church Vision & values
We are a people who have experienced freedom in the love of Jesus and are committed to letting the world experience this love for themselves. We are a place where the broken hearted can find hope, the rebels can find peace, anyone can find purpose, and all are treated with dignity as image bearers of God.
Meeting People Where They’re at
Zootown Church began when Pastor Scott Klaudt and his wife Jenny had the vision to meet people where they’re at - like Jesus does. Jesus doesn't expect you to change for him to meet with you, he is the change that comes to meet with you. He doesn't sit on a hill waiting for you to come to him, he comes to you wherever you are at. Pastor Scott and Jenny believed this so strongly, that they started this church in a coffee shop. To engage the community with the love of Jesus in their everyday lives, with their favorite drink - coffee.
Introducing People to a Person
We want people to know that we are not giving you more religion. That is the last thing this world needs is more religion. Zootown Church doesn't exist to give more information about Jesus or more knowledge about Christianity. It's sole purpose is to introduce you to the person of Jesus Christ, because he is the only one who can change the hearts and minds of men for the things of God. We are not here to lead you to us, although we are your friends - we are not your saviors. When you walk out of Zootown Church you are not making a decision about a church or a message, but about a person. We are an imperfect Church but we know the perfect one!